Glove Gun - 4 Teh Lulz

  1. Get a disposable rubber glove. Do not use gloves for washing dishes. Cut the thumb, and you will find that the smaller the finger, the better the shot. 
  2. Find a roll of toilet paper or a roll of parchment paper or Glad-to be found in any supermarket, you can also use a small metal or plastic PVC pipe.
  3. Stretch the thumb on one end of the roll of toilet paper or a pipe and secure with tape. Make bullets for your gun or wrinkled little rocks pieces of paper or aluminum and can also be used marbles. To start a bullet, pull the glove finger backwards, then simply let go!


EmoGoth said...

This is something I can use to distract the guards as I make my escape. Thanks!

pezasied said...

I might have to try this out

Insider33 said...

How long before they ban rubber gloves in school?

Biff Tanner said...

Lol this is cool.

ggtbishop said...

I know what I will be doing tomorrow

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